
Structures #72, Mixed Media Contemporary Textile Painting / Modern Art Quilt, Abstract, Artist Lisa Call, Denver Colorado
Lisa Call, Structures #72, Private Collection

Quick post tonight as I head out the door to an artist lecture at the Denver Art Museum by Sandy Skoglund.

One of the things I love about twitter are the quotes. Here are a few that resonated with me today:


“People fail in direct proportion to their willingness to accept socially acceptable excuses for failure.”

Tweeted by Sandra Martini

This is so relevant to what I wrote about yesterday about not making goals because I wanted to be the free-spirited artist type. It’s socially acceptable to not get stuff done cause I’m an artist and schedules are stifling.

Well – forget that – time to reject those excuses.


“The will to win is worthless if you do not have the will to prepare.” – Thane Yost

Tweeted by Jane Button

I read this and immediately equated ‘prepare’ with ‘setting goals’. Some other day I might have read it differently but today it dove tails nicely with my intent to get back to structure.


“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” ~ Zig Ziglar

Tweeted by Valery Satterwhite

Love this. I journal every morning. Each morning I set an intent for the day.

When I can’t think of something specific it is often something along the lines of ‘live the day focused on the tasks I want to get done.’ Structure.

Staying in the moment helps me stay motivated for the current task.